Posted 06-02-2021 into the Europe train trip

This offer is for individual passengers and small groups of up to 5 adults plus a child and aims to promote competitive prices for those who want to go on a ROUND TRIP on the Romania to Slovakia and  Romania to the Czech Republic routes

City Star Slovacia / Cehia
City Star Slovacia / Cehia
City Star Slovacia / Cehia


 Route No. of passengers  2nd class ROUND – TRIP
 Bucharest- Prague  1 adult  179 €
2 adults 291 €
 3 adults  404 €
 Brașov – Brno  1 adult 125 €
 2 adults  201 €
 3 adults  280 €
 Cluj Napoca – Karlovy Vary  1 adult 152 €
 2 adults  237 €
 3 adults  323 €
 Iași – Bratislava  1 adult 125 €
 2 adults  219 €
 3 adults  314 €
 Arad – Zvolen  1 adult 66 €
 2 adults  102 €
 3 adults  137 €
 Sibiu – Kosice  1 adult 66 €
 2 adults  100 €
 3 adults  135 €


Please notice!

  • travel tickets are valid for 1 month
  • the journey can start in any day of the validity period
  • children are not required to join the group
  • the offer is valid only for a round trip, to any destination in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, with transit through Hungary
  • refund and exchange the travel ticket is permitted, but also interruption of the journey on the route is allowed
  • passengers must use the trains on the travel card
  • seat reservation can usually be made up to 3 months in advance
  • for a seat reservation in a day, sleeping or berth coach, the additional reservation fee must be paid

We wish you a pleasant journey!

City Star Slovacia / Cehia offer Download
Stations and CFR Călători agencies who issue train tickets in international traffic Read