
38 Dinicu Golescu B-vd., District 1, code 010873
Bucharest – ROMANIA
Fax: 021/319.03.39
Contact details CFR Călători Branches

CFR Călători phone information about time table:

• 021/9521 – domestic traffic;
• 021.314.5528 – international traffic (Bucharest North Railway Station);
• 021.319.0358 – Public Relations Office from Bucharest North Railway Station, Program Monday-Sunday – 07:00 -20:00;
Phone information

Public Relations
(complaints and suggestions according to Law no. 233/2002)
Green line – 0800.88.44.44 (toll free number, daily from 8:00 to 20:00) Add suggestion / complaint
Press relations:
Spokesman – Ada Meseșan (0728.842.664)
Responsible person under the Law no. 544/2001 : Carmen Cotonaru ( 021 3190337 )
Opening hours: Monday – Thursday: 8:00 – 16:30
Friday: 08:00 – 14:00 Application form based on the law 544/2001

Audience Program

The hearings are held every Monday (without public holidays) starting with 11:00 at the headquarters, 38 Dinicu Golescu blvd, sector 1, code 010873.

More details