CFR Calatori
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Fares tickets in train

Purchasing tickets on board the train

The travel tickets/cards can be purchased from the train staff with an extra charge rate in the train, if, for whatever reason, the passenger has not purchased the travel ticket – from the ticket offices of the railway stations and CFR travel agencies from authorized agents, automated sales machines/ vending machines, online.

Important! The extra charge rate in the train is higher the office charge rate.

The train staff issue travel tickets at the sale offices tariff:

  1. For passengers who board in the train:
  • from the stopping points of the trains there where is no possibility of buying travel tickets/cards from authorized staff or automated sales machines /vending machines,
  • from the stopping points of the train served by the authorized personnel (reseller authorized by CFR Călători, post office, etc.) which do not hold an issuing office in the stopping point, with the condition to ask them immediately after boarding the train,

otherwise applying the extra charge rate in the train.

2. Also,  and in the following situations:

  • if the travel tickets sales is suspended for a limitated preiod (cf cashier – the ticket seller is on the Rest breaks/vacation, medical holidays/sick leave/medical leave, etc.),
  • when the authorized staff does not issue travel cards for all trains of the schedule, situation approved by a telegram and through posters in stopping points –for InterRegio and InterCity trains,
  • when the passenger presents a ticket issued on train at the office charge rate or with an extra charge rate in the train / a ticket issued by an authorized distributor or by IDM, valid for a train that arrived at the boarding station for the new train in a range of up to 15 minutes (arrival time according to the schedule or due to the delay of the first train).
Fares on board the train – valid from December 12, 2023 Download
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