
Install CFR Călători apps and buy your ticket directly from your mobile!
SIMPLE and FAST With the application “CFR Travel tickets online” you can purchase tickets directly from your phone. Application available in Google Play, Apple AppStore, Huawei AppGallery Once installed on your phone, you can enjoy a lot of advantages: o At any time you can purchase the ticket or find out when the next train departs o The ticket can be viewed and presented to the train staff directly from the application, even if you do not have internet access. Important! Printing the ticket is not mandatory o Buy SAFE. The operation is carried out under conditions of maximum security including memorizing the card for quick follow-up. o Benefit from the offers of the TrainPlus Card (those who hold this card), the round-trip ticket, discounts…
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Advertising services
Do you have a business and want to promote it across the country? If your answer is YES, then we are here for you! You can choose from a wide range of advertising services, such as: Interior and exterior customization of rolling stock, ticket vending machines Distribution of advertising materials (flyers, brochures, magazines, envelopes for CFR Călători train tickets with customer advertisement etc.) at ticket offices or on CFR Călători trains Sampling in CFR Călători trains, at ticket offices Broadcast of video advertising without sound, on the monitors in the carriages equipped with a video system. Do you have an event to organize? Be original and surprise everyone! We provide you with a specially ordered train/ car that will be exclusively at your disposal. Catalogue…
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Achizitie Publică – Consultarea pieței pentru “Achiziția și implementarea unui sistem informatic de Management Petiții”
Societatea Nationala de Transport Feroviar de Calatori „CFR Călători”SA a demarat Consultări ale pieței pentru ”ACHIZIȚIA ȘI IMPLEMENTAREA UNUI SISTEM INFORMATIC DE MANAGEMENT PETIȚII”și pentru a informa operatorii economici cu privire la modul în care interacțiunea va fi gestionată în cadrul consultărilor.
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„TrenPlus Card” offer in digital format
Passengers who wish to enjoy the 25% discount for each journey and choose the offer „TrenPlus Card” in digital format, can request this card type at the ticket office. 1. Where can I buy the digital media for „TrenPlus Card” offer and what are the advantages The card-type media can be purchased at the ticket offices, for a fee, based on an application filled in by the passenger and is more durable, rechargeable and valid for 4 years. „TrenPlus Card” offer in digital format will be loaded onto a card-type media. Passengers who want the “TrenPlus Card” offer in digital format, can buy discounted train tickets, under the same commercial conditions as before, namely: 1directly from the phone, by installing the app “CFR Călători online…
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Discount on selected Interrail Global Pass tickets
Between 16th and 28th of November 2023, Interrail is offering a 25% discount on selected Interrail Global Pass tickets for those with flexible validity: 10 days in 2 months and 15 days in 2 months; for those with continuous validity: 15, 22 days continuously, 1, 2 and 3 months continuously. The 25% discount is granted to the passenger categories: Adult, Senior, Youth and Child, both in 1st and 2nd class. Validity YOUTH between 12 and 27 years old 1st class YOUTH between 12 and 27 years 2nd class ADULT between 28 and 59 years 1st class ADULT between 28 and 59 years 2nd class SENIOR > 60 Over 60 years 1st class SENIOR > 60 Over 60 years 2nd class 10 days / 2 months…
Citeste mai multFestivalul Electric Castle – Bonțida, 19-23 iulie
CFR Călători îți propune să descoperi în fiecare weekend o destinație turistică sau un eveniment cultural de top din România. Dacă ești pasionat de muzică electronică, vino cu trenurile CFR Călători la Electric Castle, unul dintre cele mai mari festivaluri de muzică din România, care are loc pe domeniul Castelului Banffy de la Bonțida – Cluj, între 19 și 23 iulie! În perioada festivalului, între 18 și 24 iulie, un număr suplimentar de trenuri CFR Călători vor avea oprire la Boțida Hm, iar în anumite zile din acest interval de timp, vor circula și trenuri suplimentare. Detalii, aici! Pentru a vedea orarul trenurilor spre Bonțida și Cluj Napoca, intră aici! – Cumpără bilet dus-întors cu minim o zi înainte de efectuarea călătoriei și beneficiază de reducerea* de 10%. Detalii, aici!…
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