Trenuri IR transformate în Regio-Expres

Postat 20-04-2021 in News

Regio-Expres – noul tip de tren intrat în oferta CFR Călători – a fost gândit să rezolve nevoile specifice de transport ale unei categorii largi de călători. Regio-Expres are un tarif scăzut, la nivelul trenurilor Regio, însă beneficiază de viteza și confortul trenurilor InterRegio, precum și de rezervare pentru loc. Nr crt Număr InterRegio Număr Regio Expres Staţie plecare Ora Plecare Staţie sosire Ora Sosire 1 1528* 2100 Sibiu 03:50 Braşov 07:18 2 1529* 2105 Braşov 19:33 Sibiu 22:35 3 1535 3079 Cluj Napoca 13:31 Oradea 16:25 4 1534 3070 Oradea 17:15 Cluj Napoca 19:57 5 1543 din 01.08.2021 nu circulă în zilele de duminică 4003 Baia Mare 17:10 Cluj Napoca 21:00 6 1544 4004 Cluj Napoca 18:30 Baia Mare 22:14 7 1545 4001 Baia…

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International train tickets can be purchased ONLINE

Postat 14-01-2020 in News

Tickets for international destinations can be purchased from the website, through the application Buy online tickets / International traffic or directly from the link – The application allows the online purchase of international tickets for one way or round trips. Tickets can also be purchased for a domestic route from a foreign country or for routes between two foreign countries. Online ticket purchase for international destinations is possible within a range that can vary from maximum 3 months in advance, to: –          48 hours before the beginning of the trip, if choosing to buy tickets from a CFR Călători station/agency; –          8 days before the beginning of the trip, if choosing the tickets delivery by courier. If the trip includes local traffic trains, tickets can be purchased maximum 1 month in…

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Bilete online cu 6 ore inainte

ONLINE tickets in local traffic, with at least 6 hours before the departure of the train!

Postat 07-11-2018 in News

You can buy tickets online in local traffic with at least 6 hours before the departure of the train CFR Călători informs that in order to come to the customers’ support, starting today June 14th 2017, it is possible to buy tickets online with at least 6 hours before the departure of the train, compared to 12 hours as it was until now. Domestic tickets can be purchased in advance, up to 30 days before the trip. IMPORTANT for passengers is the fact that online ticket printing is not compulsory! The identification in the train takes place based on the ID (code) of the electronic ticket that can be marked/ photographed and an official identity document (identity card, passport, residence permit). We remind passengers using the Internet that the online ticket purchase application can be…

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Lucrări de mentenanţă a site-ului

Postat 22-08-2018 in News

CFR Călători informează că în perioada 21 august – 15 septembrie 2018 se vor realiza lucrări de mentenanță a site-ului Atenţionăm utilizatorii site-ului că în perioada menţionată pot apărea unele intermitenţe în funcţionarea tuturor aplicaţiilor, inclusiv „Mersul Trenurilor” şi “Bilete de tren online”. Cerem scuze pasagerilor pentru eventualele neplăceri care pot apărea. *** Modalităţi de cumpărare bilete de tren: Online de pe; De la automatele de bilete din gări; De la automatele ZebraPay; Direct de la casele de bilete din gări și agenții de voiaj CFR; De la distribuitori autorizați (agenții de turism). INFO UTILE: numerele de telefon de la stațiile CFR: 0219521 – info CFR rute interne plecări/sosiri București; 319.0358 – Biroul Relaţii cu Publicul din Gara de Nord Bucureşti; 314.5528 –…

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ONLINE train tickets for Oravița – Anina route

Postat 15-06-2018 in News

Now, you can also buy ONLINE train tickets for the trip from ORAVIŢA to ANINA and back. Any sales unit in the country, CFR station or travel agency sells tickets for this route. It is the oldest and most spectacular mountain railway in South Eastern Europe, with fabulous landscapes, 14 tunnels, 10 viaducts, mountain clefts over two-thirds of the entire route (21 kilometers). Trains have two cars in composition (three in the summer season) and run every day. Tickets, including reserved seats, can be purchased for individual trips or small groups, 30 days in advance, to which: Commercial offers and related discounts (Round-trip ticket, Small group 2-5, VSD Card, Weekend ticket, discounts for buying tickets in advance, discounts for groups of at least 20 people, etc.)…

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